A brochure has been developed to guide intrepid hikers to the mining sites in Boston Gulch! Printed copies of the brochure are available at Kentucky Camp, but you may also look at, download, and print the brochure from here:
Boston Gulch Adventure Hike pdf brochure
A Google Maps version is also available in the frame below. Click on the placemarks for descriptions. (You may need to move the map around within the frame to see the full description; drag the map around with the mouse.) Or you can access the full Google Maps website from the link below the map. More images are included in the Google Maps version than we had room for in the brochure.
View KC Tour of Boston Gulch in a larger map
If you have a standalone GPS (one designed for use off-road), you can download the GPX or KMZ files to your computer with the links below. Refer to your GPS unit's instruction manual for directions on how to load a file from your computer to the unit and import it.
If you have a smartphone or tablet with a GPS, you can probably use the GPX or KMZ files offline (there is no cell phone or wi-fi service in Boston Gulch). Unfortunately, smartphone/tablet functionality for offline use is not "out of the box" at this time. We will provide some guidance here, but functionality is changing rapidly, and you may need to be technically adventurous to get through the process.
To download with most browsers, right click on the file name below and select "Save link as...", "Save target as..." or "Download..."